1A Derricks/Lattice Cranes Continuing Ed for MA HE License

Online MA Certified Continuing Education

$49.95 Add to Cart

Standards: 520 CMR 6.00

This is a continuing education course that has been approved by the Mass Department of Public Safety for renewal of a 1A Hoisting License. Operators may operate all friction clutch machines and all derricks (including guy derricks, stiff legs, Chicago booms, gin poles); Lattice boom machinery and hoisting machinery listed under 1B, 1C, and 1D.  This course qualifies for CE credits in Mass.
Students MUST possess a valid MA Hoisting Engineer's License to receive Continuing Education credits. 
Material covered in this course: Massachusetts Regulations 
Crane Components 
Mathematical Calculations 
Load Moment Indicator (LMI) 
Inspection Parameters 
Wire Rope 
Standard Hand Signals 
Load Charts 
This course, combined with the Mass Hoisting and Regulatory component, is 4 hours long.
